Sunday, September 20, 2009

Latest News

Yep, that's me - done with chemotherapy!
(And still able to make things rhyme.)

11 days ago I had my last chemo treatment and I can confidently say that the worst is over. Woo-friggin-hoo!! Yes I still have some aches and pains, but they are minor and each day I feel a bit more like my old self again.

On Friday I went for my radiation mapping, and though I swore I'd never do it, I now have 5 tattoos. Well okay, technically, they're just little teeny dots so that each time I go for radiation they can make sure I'm lying in the exact same position. Wouldn't want that zapper thingie to miss! I will go every day for 5 weeks starting on September 30th. Which means, if you do the math, I will be DONE in the first week of November.

What else have we been up to? Well, we bought a pretty new clock to provide a taste of New York and to go with our newly painted living room...

I don't think the color is 'true' in these pictures, but it's close enough that you can get the idea of what the NCS version of BM's Saybrook Sage looks like...

We had new gutters installed on the house and the current project is painting things outside. Before we started, everything was a very dark brown and we're brightening things up a bit so stay tuned for the final results!

Lastly, my Google calendar is starting to fill up with actual dates and times of social events. Before you know it, I may have something that resembles an actual social-life!


  1. Ooh while you are at it, you should plaster the brickwall and get it painted the same shade. Its such a lovely, light colour.

  2. And if you get the doors and window-sills painted white, it will really bring out that colour at its best. And you should get some cushions of the same colour on the sofas to tie the whole thing together. Sorry- Im a dead keen interior decorater.

  3. :-)))) Glad you are so close to the end!

    Nice clock, I have the exact same one in my living room.....'cept its offwhite, not black, and says "Kensigton Station" instead of Grand Central, lol

    House looks great!

  4. TF - I'm a bit of a traditions freak so that brick wall isn't changing. As for the window and door trim, I really love the cherry wood color against the wall color. The plan, however, is to add some cream draperies and I like the pillow idea!

  5. That is friggin' awesome! I didn't know they tattooed you for radiation - whoa! Very very happy for you though. Great news indeed.

    (Is it just me, or does the little dude on the picture look like a South Park figure?!)

  6. Hurray that you are feeling better.

    Love the new colour and clock - and the wine bottle sculpture too!

  7. I like your place, especially that clock. WOW

  8. Yay, you're done with chemo! Hope all goes well as it can with the radiation, I know from my mom that it can suck, but by November you'll be done! Love the color on the walls. ;)

  9. Great news Patti! I hope you feel better especially with the "brand new" livingroom and all :)

  10. Yay, glad to hear the chemo is done with! I've been thinking of you and wondering how you're doing. The house looks fantastic.

  11. This is the greatest news ever!!!! And I am READY AND WILLING to share that social calendar with you again!! in fact, let´s start this weekend!! :o)

  12. Good on ya girl!

    And I like your colors :)

  13. Excellent! That's so nice to hear. :)

    I'm considering repainting our living room, as soon as I convince my husband to tear down the wooden ceiling. The colour I painted it two years ago turned out too yellow compared to what we were hoping for, so now I'm thinking grey instead. :)

  14. Congratulations, that's wonderful. You've been so brave and deserve to feel yourself again. BTW Saybrook sage is exactly the color that is leading us a merry chase here in Germany. Maybe the NCS color will help us match it! I love your office colors too, so warm!

  15. Congratulations! This is very good news!

  16. I am SO glad to hear the awesome news! Congratulations!! Very nice color on the walls!

  17. Woohoo no more chemo! That is great news :)


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