Thursday, March 26, 2009

It all runs hot and cold


So, since I last wrote, we've been to the fire store where we had to purchase a big piece of fireproof stuff and from that piece, cut a smaller piece to replace what had fallen down from the top of the fireplace.

Then we had a smelter (iron guy) come out to the house and poke around inside the firebox with a measuring tape.

Then we had assistant smelter come today and take a piece of metal and stand out in the driveway and pound it into the needed shape.

When all was said and done, I created fire.


The dude from punkt arrived with our new refrigerator yesterday. First he took out the old one, then he had to shut off the power to fix the bad outlet wiring the fridge was to connect to, then he brought the new one in. It was a wee bit too deep for the space so then Ole and the fridge dude rigged up a few little boards so that it had something to stand on and slid it into place. We then had to wait 2 hours for refrigerant and oil to slide themselves back into place after transport, and then Ole flipped the switch and created cold (and ice).

Once we turned it on, we scanned the operation manual. It's not that I don't know how to use a refrigerator, per se, but you never know what tidbit of information you may find. It's always good to make sure you've read the Troubleshooting section of the manual, just in case things start blinking or beeping. And, in case this should happen:

1) The Appliance does not work.

- Is the a power cut?
- Is the plug inserted properly in the mains socket?
- Is the power supply cable damaged?
- Is the temperature setting correct?

Okay, no, it doesn't actually say that but the picture is for real.

And there you have it - we have hot, we have cold, and we don't have children hanging from our refrigerator door.
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